God's Faithful Provision

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. -- Philippians 4:19

Pearl in 1930


I write to testify to my Lord's promise to supply all my needs. And He has done so during these 100 years He has enabled me to live. When I was 18 years old, I attended an Epworth League meeting and felt led to make a pledge of one dollar to be paid in three months, although at the time I had no allowance or means of income. I knew I could ask no one for it was a pledge made between the Lord and me.


About this time, the Welsh community in our county planned an Eisteddfod (a musical competition), and Edna, a high school friend, asked if I would enter the girl's duet with her. I was more than happy to do so. She contacted a Welsh teacher and asked him to train us. His wife was a beautiful pianist so it was a joy to go to their home. As I needed to drive there, I decided to ask if he would counsel me if I entered the ladies solo as well. He graciously agreed to do so. The night of the contest, a friend drove me and as I went to the platform a Welsh gentleman sitting next to her asked, “Why did Pearl think she could compete against the Welsh girls?” But I won, and the reward was a one dollar bill! It was the Lord's answer to my prayer. I paid my pledge. It was the Lord Jesus' assurance that He would fulfil His gracious promise to me as I followed Him.


It was 1926, the year my older sister and I graduated from high school. The Great Depression was just beginning to rear its head, and Ruby was preparing to enter nurse's training. Our father, though not a wealthy farmer, was helping each of us five children to get established. He had helped our older brother get settled on a farm and now our father was able to help Ruby. I had deep heart assurance that I was to become a teacher but I had to wait a year.


In the spring of 1927, I felt it was time for me to look for work. A cousin in our town, a lovely town with many churches, introduced me to his employers. He was secretary for the large peony farms they ran. Mrs. Wassenberg introduced me to her stepmother Mrs. Woodruff, who lived alone in a beautiful home. Mrs Woodruff asked me to become her companion. That was a joy. I was writing to various colleges but had no leading from the Lord to any one of them.     


Mrs. Woodruff took a special interest in my life, and being a strong Lutheran she wrote to Wittenberg College and asked them to send a representative to us. She knew I wished to work for my board and room. When I expressed an interest in his program, she asked him to find a place for me to work for my board and room. Later she offered to pay for my tuition! What an answer to prayer, for by this time the depression had left my father unable to help me without going into further debt.


 What a happy summer that was with Mrs. Woodruff. She helped me in various ways to prepare for college. I also met some girl friends who meant much to me in later years.


The representative met me when I went to college. He introduced me to a widow with a small daughter who lived in a small apartment about a mile from the college. My main task was to care for the small daughter after school until the mother came home from work. The representative also helped through all the difficulties of registration, etc, and for this I was grateful.


My next test of faith was one Sunday. I had gone to church (taking two buses as I had tickets), but had only 50 cents left for spending money. I felt an inner urge to give it in the offering but I debated, saying I would have no money even for a stamp to write my father, so I didn't give it. That afternoon some friends wanted me to go for a drive. When we stopped by a roadside of flowers I left the group and went to the far side of the patch and there picked up a ladies handbag containing money. I immediately thought of the 50 cents I had failed to give that morning. I ran back to the group nervous and upset. But before we left, a car came racing towards us. A lady stepped out and asked if we had found a handbag. She said her little boy had been holding it for her. Roger asked her to describe it. She said It was hers. In it was “the money her husband had left her for the week”. She begged me to take a dollar bill, but I, remembering the Lord would have doubled my 50 cents if I had obeyed, refused it.


The college year was coming to a close. A law had recently been passed requiring teachers to have two years of college before teaching. But as I did not want to go into further debt, I applied to a city as well as a country school near my parent's home.  My plan was to attend summer schools to build credit for a second year. Both accepted me but I chose the country school.


Living at home, I was able to help at home because of the worsening depression and also help repay Mrs. Woodruff for her loan. However, after two years I was able to save enough to go to Moody Bible Institute for the summer with the hope of teaching another year in order to complete my course at Moody. However, before the end of the summer term, the Lord began speaking to me about remaining at M.B.I. I continued to pray for assurance that this was indeed His will. Finally, the last day that I could ethically cancel my contract to teach, the Lord spoke through Luke 9:62 [Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."]. I knew it was the Lord and with only one dollar left, I cancelled with full assurance that the Lord Jesus would see me through.


A few days later, my friend, Christine met me, astonished that I hadn't left M.B.I. She asked if I would join her, working in an office sorting mail from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., six days a week for 50¢ an hour. The office was a 20 minute walk from Moody.  We met at 5 a.m. at a restaurant for a light breakfast. Moody did not charge tuition, but board and room were $30.00 a month with a rebate for meals missed. One term I worked the noon hour in a small restaurant near Moody, again for 50¢ and hour with lunch and tips included! Thus the Lord in various ways provided for extra expenses.


This program continued for two years except for two major crises. By February 1931 I realised I was not going to meet my February bill. I lacked $5 so I began to pray. Then the only time at M.B.I. a friend planned a birthday party for me. She gave me a $5 gold coin minted the year I was born! She did this because I was instrumental in her meeting a wealthy lady who wanted to support an M.B.I. student! Then at the Monday night China prayer meeting the leader had received money for M.B.I. students. We each received $5! Later my mother sent $5!! An abundance!! Later I visited the M.B.I. bookstore, where I saw a beautiful leather Bible on the counter for sale, only $5.75. I needed one, so I gave the gold piece and had a beautiful Bible!


The second crisis came during my last term. Christine was graduating in May and I still had another term. The depression was deepening and the firm we were working for was receiving less mail. They had kept us on to help Christine who had been the one they had first employed, so apologetically, they cancelled the work. This was of the Lord because the continued early morning work plus the early choir rehearsals (my course was Bible and music) was catching up on me. But the Lord also supplied money in various ways until the last month of the term. I reluctantly left M.B.I. owing $35. I returned home but the only job I had, was to lead the music for a special revival meeting. The love offering was exactly $35. What a joy to pay my debt to M.B.I.


The future? Early in my last term at M.B.I. I had received a clear call to China through a retired missionary. I applied to the China Inland Mission but failed to pass the doctor's test so I could proceed no further with the application. I returned to my parent's home for a rest from my recurring anaemia. Then friends in the city urged me to join them. I found accommodation with a lady who needed someone to care for her young daughter after school until she returned home from work. This meant that I had evenings free. Since my course at M.B.I. was in Bible and music, I organized young women from several churches into what we called the Berean Girls Club. Evenings were spent in Bible study and choir practice. It was such a lovely group: a missionary on furlough, my high school music teacher, a graduate from Fort Wayne Bible College, a beautiful pianist, as well as a number who just wanted fellowship. It wasn't long before we were able to respond to several churches for special services, but the depression was still on and there was never any compensation for our services. Also I was receiving only board and room at my work. However, it was a very happy time, a step into what I felt the Lord had called me when I went to M.B.I.


But it was not His plan. One morning when I was working in the kitchen a clear inner voice said “CHINA”. I knew it was the Lord and I replied, “But Lord, I'm still very tired but I will push the door”. My first test was to see the doctor. He gave me a good report. The next problem was money. I had none and the Mission required us to pay our own expenses to the Mission headquarters in Toronto, Canada. One day I came home and there on the porch was an envelope with my name on it and inside a single $1 bill- with no explanation. It was my Lord's word that He would provide. However, there was one more problem which I felt I needed and that was a sure word from the Lord. I was reading in the book of Exodus- so often His clear guidance had come through my daily reading in the Scriptures. And again it came clearly in Exodus. “Behold I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you unto the place I have prepared for you.” So I applied to the C.I.M. again, then gifts of money began to come in. The Berean Girls continued many years as a Bible study-fellowship group.


When I was ready to go to Toronto, I had enough. I was available for the testings there.


There were fifteen of us gathered there from the U.S. and Canada in the lovely spacious mission home. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee were our kind and gracious hosts. For six weeks we studied mission principles, the Chinese language, gave our testimonies, and I was again passed by the doctor. Four of us formed a quartet and enjoyed giving our testimonies, as well as singing, in the churches we visited with Mr. Brownlee. We were all accepted by the Mission much to our joy. Money was no problem. We were guests of the Mission. Then we were given a list of items needed for our outfits in China, with instructions to wait for a scheduled departure. We were responsible to trust the Lord for our outfits and expenses needed to travel to Vancouver. It was and still is the policy of C.I.M. and later O.M.F. never to ask for money, but to pray and trust God to meet our needs in His time and way. This policy I have proved throughout my life. During the few months that I waited with three other American girls for a sailing date, the Lord abundantly supplied my outfit as well as funds for train to Vancouver and expenses along the way. How they were needed! We were delayed a week in Japan due to repairs needed for the ship taking us from Japan to Shanghai.


During my six years in China the C.I.M. paid all basic expenses, for the policy then was to share the money that came in by prayer equally with all the missionaries according to need. Extra expenses such as clothes, vacations etc. were sent often in letters by family and friends.


The Japanese war broke out in China in January 1937 and in February 1938 they captured Chefoo, where I was working in one of the schools. From then on we were under Japanese control. We were able to travel only with their permission. In December 1939- January 1940, I was able to travel with two friends to Manchuria which had been under Japanese control since 1931. Our experiences were good on the whole but twice we were delayed with no explanation.


How grateful I am for my parents. Though they didn't attend church themselves, they always had an open door, a loving welcome, and a car for my use in ministry. What generous and precious parents they were.


In September 1940 I was married and we were able to move to Peking. We soon felt that conditions under the Japanese were becoming more unstable with fears of concentration camps for all foreigners. In early November 1940 I had a note from the American Consul notifying me a ship would arrive in two days and it would be my last chance to leave China. Immediately we felt the Lord's leading that I should leave. My husband being British could not leave. What a sudden, distressing change. (My husband, due to his ability to speak the Chinese language, was given a commission in the British Army and eventually escaped to India where he spent the war years.)


What a joy it was to be home again with Mother and Dad, visiting with family and friends, and helping my brother and his wife care for twin babies. Soon I was speaking for various groups about my experiences in China which was always a joy. A friend who had spent five years in China but was now Dean of Women at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, invited me to come and speak at morning chapel. While I was with her she strongly urged me to come and complete my B.A. degree at Taylor. This would need much consideration because I had no income.


 About the same time, in the spring of 1942, the Lord made me aware of many children in my home community who were not going to Sunday School. Though I had no training in Vacation Bible Schools, I asked a former teacher to help organize one. Children came on bicycles from miles around. What a joy! Then two more churches asked for two week VBS'. My friend was unable to help so I trained local S.S. teachers to help.


In the meantime, my friend at Taylor University had arranged with the College for me to be her assistant and pay for my college fees as I was able. Since the churches had given free will offerings, it was a beginning.


So the two years at Taylor University began. My friend, the Dean, also taught Bible and Missions and when she was away I was able to fill in for her. This was a joy. Churches in the area occasionally asked for messages on China. Their free will offerings helped, so a busy year passed. In the meantime, five churches requested VBS' for the summer of 1943. Thus the Lord continued to lead and provide. At the close of each two weeks vacation school we would present a program for family and friends.  Their love offerings helped my year at Taylor. It was a very busy year.


I became very close friends with a young teacher who had taken leave for two years from her doctoral studies in New York in order to work to cover her expenses incurred there. Although her father was a godly minister and she had been taught to believe the Bible, she was now full of doubts- doubts that God knew and loved her personally. I shared my testimony with her and when my college fee of $50 was coming up I told her I believed the Lord would supply it. Then in time a letter came from a parent in gratitude for the vacation school. She enclosed a cheque for $50 exactly! Another time when a payment was due, a friend came and left the exact amount needed. This and my friend's willingness to pray with me led her to experience God's love for her. Our fellowship during those years was very special.


 Before Christmas of my second year at Taylor, I received requests from fifteen churches for VBS' for the summer of 1944. This I could not do, so the Lord led me to hold a class after school hours to teach young men and women who were preparing to be pastors and Christian Ed. Teachers how to conduct VBS'. As a result, five of the young women agreed to work with me in the churches. This enabled us to have two girls for five churches each.


But now my final year at Taylor was coming to a close and I still owed college dues. As I prayed and trusted, the Lord led friends to send money as graduation gifts instead of the usual gifts. The last day of classes I received a letter from a couple with $1 enclosed. They could have sent much more but it was the last $1 I needed. My Mother, who came to the graduation services, gave me a gift which enabled me to begin the summer's work. I left Taylor free of debt! PRAISE!


Now I looked to the Lord for the next step. Because my friend had accepted a position as Dean of Women in another Christian College, the President of Taylor offered me her position. However, my friend urged me to continue my education at Biblical Seminary in New York which she had found such a blessing. I told her my choice was Wheaton College because it was so closely connected with Moody Bible Institute which I had attended. Because I trusted her judgement and because she had been such a help to me, I told her I would apply to both Wheaton and Biblical Seminary and then trust the Lord to guide me to the one which would accept me first.  It was Biblical Seminary. Through the years it proved to be a blessing. It was His choice.


Because of the summer's work in five churches, I had sufficient money to travel to New York and pay the initial payment required by the Seminary. However, since my father was unwilling to see me go so far from home without sufficient funds, he insisted on giving me his cheque book for basic expenses. Soon after I arrived, I learned the Board of Managers had just passed a ruling that no church or Christian organization could ask for the services of Seminary students without promising remuneration, so then I had plenty of money. This was based on the fact that all had degrees. Soon I was being asked to speak on China and to give Sunday morning services. Later in the year I was given a junior boys Sunday School class as well as one afternoon a week working with an organization with children from the streets. So it was a very busy year with plenty of money for all extra expenses.


However, my life was soon to change. My husband, Bill, had spent the war years in New Delhi, India with the British Army in diplomatic service principally. This was between the Chinese Government and England because of his knowledge of the Chinese language as well as the Chinese way of thinking. But now the war was coming to a close. He requested that I be brought to India or that he be posted to London, England, or to the U.S. The British Consul in New York refused the permit for me to go to India so he was posted to London.


I was able to complete my year at Biblical Seminary and a dear friend there changed her summer plans and agreed to direct the VBS' in the churches that I had promised to conduct. In June I was ready to leave and since passenger ships were not yet available I traveled in a troop ship sleeping in a hammock! What fun! Some of their wives were also on board, one of whom remained a good friend while I was in London. Bill's furlough soon came to an end and he was posted to Norway to round up German war criminals, so I remained with his mother and sisters. Norway was only an hour's flight away so Bill was able to come home occasionally. I prayed much for a home for us but the Lord did not lead me to search and soon I knew why. When Bill came home for Christmas he said he was making plans to leave the diplomatic service and enter Oxford University to study   Chinese. So I made immediate plans to go to Oxford. I was able to rent a student's room who was on vacation.


When I visited the registrar of Oxford, he said he had 5000 people waiting for housing. However, he gave me the name of one agent which I was able to see that afternoon. He greeted me with the news that a lady had come in that morning with the offer of two large rooms upstairs with the use of the bathroom, also the kitchen downstairs. He then explained she was a very difficult landlady. She was unable to keep roomers, but after talking to me he said he thought I would be able to manage. After meeting the lady and seeing the rooms on the second floor with a lovely open stairway in a North Oxford home, I felt we could manage. The Lord had answered prayer. How grateful I was when so many had failed to find adequate housing. Family and friends helped me move for by this time I was expecting my first baby. (Bill had another six months in the Army.) Soon after moving a retired children's worker moved into a small bedroom on the same floor. We became good friends sharing meals etc. She stayed with me until Bill came home. Mrs. B. was indeed very difficult. So we were hoping to move but housing was still difficult. At the University Bill met a very community minded couple who decided to rent their large summer house on a hill outside Oxford to men who had been in the war but now were able to complete their degrees. They divided their home into five apartments. We were able to rent the large front one with a wide open stairway. It was a lovely home but a mile from the bus with no transportation except bicycles etc. Our social life was limited to the four other university couples. None of them were Christians and since Bill had left the church after he joined the army, I was beginning to feel the isolation from Christian fellowship. But as Bill had received a bursary for university only, I could not go home for a vacation. However, after three years my father became ill and my family sent for me.


Soon after I arrived, a friend came and asked me to direct a DVBS for three churches which had united to have one school. My parents were able to care for Guy who was now two years old until I arrived at 2 p.m. Later, two individual churches asked for schools. And since our village was within driving distance of a number of towns with many churches, as well as some country churches, I was often asked to speak on Sundays as well as to women's groups during the week. So the summer passed. Bill was beginning to ask, “When are you coming?” He was graduating in October so I made plans to return. There were sufficient funds from the many love offerings to pay our way. And my family was very gracious in providing gifts, especially for our home because little was available in England because of the war.


As soon as Bill graduated he was asked to continue as a “don” teaching Chinese. So we remained in Oxford. Iain, our second son, joined our family in 1950. However, when the President of Toronto University arrived in England seeking a Professor of Chinese Studies, Bill accepted the position. So in 1952, we arrived in Toronto. Guy and Iain were 6 and 2 years old.


As soon as we were certain that we were coming to Canada I began to pray for a church of God's choosing, and a home within walking distance. Bill also wished to be near the university. The Lord wonderfully answered. We arrived in August and were temporarily housed in a student dormitory. The first Sunday I took Guy in search of a church. A girl carrying a Bible led us to Knox Presbyterian Church which is near the university. Rev. Barr was the pastor—what a godly man of love. We felt it was the right one immediately. I, then, took the boys to Ohio to meet my parents while Bill and Dean Bissell searched for housing. They were ready to give up and rent an apartment in the west end, when an apartment within walking distance of Knox and the university became vacant. How grateful we were. Guy was soon in school and a place in the university pre-school became vacant for Iain. So our life in Canada began.


After Bill became well settled in the Chinese department, it became evident that the library was very deficient. He then received a grant to travel to Hong Kong to purchase the necessary books. This meant a number of months away. Again I became responsible for family finances. Bill was a brilliant Chinese scholar but had little ability to manage money. As in England, I had to see that the bills were paid and the bank account kept under control. Though income was greater in Toronto, expenses also mounted.


After four years I took a position teaching history in St. Mildred's College, a high school for girls. Our boys had both entered the University of Toronto Schools, and with a cottage at Go Home Bay, the years passed. The boys and I attended Knox Church but Bill went his own way.


However, by 1967 all was changing. Guy was in University in Dalhousie, Nova Scotia, Iain was in a private high school and the Lord led me to resign from St. Mildred's. While at the cottage in July, I was reading in Isaiah when the Lord spoke to me clearly “I will break the yoke”. It was a dismaying message, a clear warning. Yet when my husband asked for a legal separation in early September I was not really prepared. However it had to be met. The Lord gave me a retired Christian lawyer. She sought to be fair to us both. Bill's lawyer was also good. But in the end Bill refused to pay more alimony than the basic apartment rent which was $300 a month. I agreed to this because I knew I could trust the Lord to provide for me. And He did. Within two months I accepted the position of Manager of the Toronto Bible College bookstore, later Ontario Bible College. This was a completely new work for me but I had assurance from the Lord it was His will. How often He had given me this leading through the Scriptures which have been my lifelong strength and comfort.


When I was 65 I received the old age pension but no one could be found to take my position so I continued.    It was partly because the salary was so low but I could manage with two incomes. When I was 70 the Lord spoke again, “Give up your support from Bill and assure him God still loves him.” When I was sure of the Lord's leading I did so, although at the time I didn't realize I would receive no pension from OBC, and I had none from St. Mildred's College.


 When I was 71, the Lord again spoke through my devotional “Streams in the Desert”. “When the Lord calls you from over the waters, step gladly forth”. I knew the inner voice of the Lord Jesus was speaking to me. A year later my niece and nephew, who had started a Bible College in St. Vincent in the West  Indies, “over the water”,  came and asked me to  consider joining them when I retired from OBC and teach Old Testament. I knew this was from the Lord and my answer was “yes”.  That autumn a lady agreed to work with me in the bookstore and take over in a year. In June when I was 73 I resigned and prepared to leave in August. When I told Rev. Lowe, the assistant minister at Knox, that the Lord had called me to serve in St. Vincent, he said, “the church will support you”. And they did, generously. Besides a basic allowance each year, they asked me to speak each August before returning and the love offering was always sufficient to pay the airfare. Because of this, and the fact that a friend rented my apartment paying the full rent during the eight months I was away and sharing it during the summer months, I was able to help support the Bible College of St. Vincent. I need to explain WISE. Windward Islands School of Evangelism was founded to train West Indian young people so they would serve in their home churches. Unfortunately, church members were not taught to tithe so they were unable to fully support a student member. This was true of Jamaica and Guyana where most of our students came from. (I learned to tithe early through reading Malachi 3:8.) This meant that the missionaries who had this vision needed to help support the College. I was able to help in this. After five years when I was 78, the Lord gave me a clear leading to leave. And since He did not lead me to receive further support from my church, I was left with only Canada and old age pensions. But I had peace about it knowing that I could trust my Lord to continue to guide and provide.


But I must take you back to when I was 78 and home from St. Vincent and ready to relax and enjoy my lovely apartment. I had two sisters living in Florida. Neither of them had children. Consequently, for the next ten years I was called to help. When Ruby became seriously ill, my first summer at home I was called. She recovered, but in November her husband had a severe heart attack and since he was losing his eyesight he could no longer drive. Since Ruby was not well enough to drive, I was needed. On Sunday mornings I was free to drive to a Baptist church. The senior ladies' class before the service was taught by a lady who became my one close Christian friend in Florida, but I was not able to spend much time with her.


The following summer when I was 80 years old, my younger sister Katy's husband became seriously ill and went into a nursing home. She was now free to come and care for Ruby and Joe while I returned home. I need to say that Ruby and Joe lived in a retired section of wealthy homes with no transportation but cars. Both Katy and I missed our homes and our friends. We took turns caring for Ruby. This meant I had airfares as well as apartment expenses. But the Lord continued to supply my needs in various ways. Another young friend who needed accommodation came and shared the rent of my two bedroom apartment.


After three years Ruby passed away and Joe felt he could manage with the help of a neighbour and a good recommended taxi.


 But calls continued to come. Twice Joe needed surgery. Then Katy's home was destroyed by lightning. Then she needed surgery. Then when I was home again Joe fell. Two doors had to be broken down to rescue him. Since both Joe and Ruby had had such a horror of nursing homes, Katy, who had been cared for by them at a difficult time in her life, felt she should care for him and asked me to share it. This meant that we were again taking turns caring for him. When she became too ill with osteoporosis to drive, I cared for them both. When Joe had another severe fall and died at the age of 93, I had another problem.


Years before, after Joe had recovered from his heart attack, he and Ruby both realized they did not have a will. Since Joe's eyesight was very poor he asked me to write it for them. They then made me executor of the will. Much later they discovered that Florida law made only residents of Florida eligible to act as executors. Katy was the only member of the family resident there. They reluctantly gave her the position because she was beginning to lose her memory. However; they knew I would help her- she needed only to sign the papers!  When Joe was alone and dependent on the taxi lady to take him shopping etc. she brought her husband and whole family in to meet him to give him company hoping he would leave his money to them. Though grateful for the company he kept things firmly in hand. Twice after family members in Ohio died he asked me to help him remake his will. But because Katy and I had helped him in his need he left most of his estate to us. Thus my faithful Lord provided abundantly for my retirement years. Praise Him!


After his death I now had the problem of settling the estate, dealing with a difficult lawyer and a real estate man. Guy came to help me find the real estate man but could only stay 2 weeks on his leave. A buyer soon came to buy the lovely home but they took three months to settle their affairs. That was good, for the time was also needed to deal with the lawyer and the government.


In the meantime, our younger brother had retired and moved to Florida. He and his wife agreed  to care for Katy as she was beginning to need more care. On October 1, 1988 I was free to return home, so ready for a long rest


One of my chief pleasures was to drive a car. I learned to drive when I was 16, and whenever I was home my father always provided me with a car. Since my husband didn't drive I inherited the family car when he left. The last summer I was home from St. Vincent, when I retired I found a friend had left me her car when she went to live in Ireland. When my sons decided that her car had become unsafe for me to drive, they rented a beautiful car for me so I gave my friend's car to OM, a mission I had always supported. Then when the time was nearly up on the car, a dear Chinese friend of many years developed cancer.  She was a nurse and had always kept a lovely car. She had bought a lovely one, but after six years she lost her battle with cancer. When my friend's sister-in-law in Hong Kong learned that I needed a car, she set a basic price on it and told me to give the money to missions. This my friend would have liked. I was able to enjoy the car until I was 95.


After a quiet restful year I returned to Florida for a visit. Katie had moved into a lovely two bedroom mobile home near my brother. We had our last good time together. I returned home in time to celebrate my 90th birthday. This time Guy had planned everything at the church. Knox had been my church home for nearly 50 years. What a blessing.


But for me it was time to retire. An apartment at Christie Gardens had finally become available. Family and friends helped in the move to a lovely one bedroom apartment with a large balcony and a 10 minute drive to the church. How wonderfully the Lord had provided the funds for such a move through my brother-in-law, in His time.


Ten years have passed in this Christian retirement home. Years of fellowship with many new friends as well as old friends coming to see me. Family live nearby as well. How wonderfully the Lord has guided and provided. I have proved His faithfulness. In the center of His will He provides and we can trust, wait His time, and rest.



About the author:


Pearl was born in Vermilion County, Illinois, USA on February 23, 1908. She grew up in Van Wert, County, Ohio. When she was 16 years old she became a Christian and early learned to trust and follow the Lord--to China in 1934, back to the US in 1940, to England in 1945, to Canada in 1952 and to St. Vincent, West Indies in 1981-86. She now lives in Christie Gardens in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


Her two sons, Guy and Iain, are also living in Toronto



How grateful I am for those who helped me with this story. It would have remained in my desk without them! Rose Carleton of Overseas Missionary Fellowship, urged me to write it. Nancy Howard of Knox Presbyterian Church deciphered my writing and typed it, Dr. Beth Leach, a dear China connection, put it on the computer, Ian, my son, provided snapshots, Don Nicol, director of missions at Knox Church designed and printed it. My sincere thanks go to each one.



Toronto, Canada

March 2009


Check out   Pearl's Autbiography