Knox World Mission 




Who the KWM committee is:

KWM seeks to administer the official mission outreach program in conjunction with Session and the congregation. All decisions must be approved by Session.

KWM is a equipping team, not a mission agency and only works through the field oversight of various mission agencies that have been approved by Session.

KWM focuses our resources on those with a active association with Knox congregation.



Knox World Mission, as a ministry team of Knox Session, is committed to bringing a positive difference in the lives of all people by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ into all the earth, which is the only hope for salvation and change. KWM equips and supports members who are called to serve Christ in any part of the world and dedicated to spreading the gospel, educating, mentoring and helping others to obtain the gift of salvation, develop a relationship with Christ and strengthen their faith in Him (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-49; John 20:21; Acts 1:8, 26:16-18). Support offered includes committed prayer for workers in the field, keeping the congregation informed of all activity, general oversight of our appointed workers, and providing financially assistance when and where most appropriate.



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